Black man in yellow sweater at work on laptop

How To Be More Effective When Life Feels Crazy

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It is no secret that some days at work are harder than others. Everyone, everywhere, has had that time when things just seem chaotic and out of control, and motivation is low. And yet, we still must get things done.

We have to put energy into our jobs and careers (whether they are on hold or going full-steam ahead.) We have to tend to our family. We have to take care of the millions of little details that need to be attended to each day, such as dishes and laundry, which are not going away any time soon.

So how do we stay on top of it all, when we really just want to hide from it all?

We need to channel our inner badass selves and use the simple tools that strengthen our nervous systems so that we can keep ourselves on track and productive even during tough times.

Here are seven of those tools you can use starting right now.

#1 Re-Focus Your Attention on Your Body Instead of Your Thoughts

Feel your feet, breathe into your hips, and notice what is in your environment. Being more fully attuned to your body and physical surroundings increases productivity.  Bringing mental and physical attention to the exact experiences of the moment you are in enhances your mood and reduces the likelihood of making mistakes! So, take a deep breath and wiggle your toes!

#2 Connect to the Power of Your Breath.

Take 5 slow breaths and focus on your exhale. Most people focus on their inhale and breath in a fast and shallow manner. Fast and shallow breathing can make you more nervous and set your brain up to miss details and make mistakes. It can keep the “bad air” stuck in your lungs and prevent you from taking in enough fresh, oxygen-rich new air. So, breathe slowly and prolong your exhale. Breathe out fully before you take your next breath.  This style of breathing will change the way your brain and nervous system process new information, and most people will start feeling calmer right away when they do it.

#3 Get Your Basic Needs Met.

Are you hungry? Are you thirsty? Do you need to move your body? Trying to “power through” and get more done when your basic physical needs are not being met just does not work. To be more productive, slow down and take care of yourself first. Then, dive into that task or project.

#4 Pick Your Priorities. 

What is the one thing you can do that will make everything else easier? Each day is different. What matters to you today? If you try to “prioritize” everything, you end up focusing on nothing and blaming yourself because you cannot do everything at once. And as Melissa Hartwig says: work, family, friends, sleep, exercise…pick 3!

#5 Let That Shit Go! 

Will the thing that is bothering you right now matter next week? 6 months? A year? Sometimes, our brains like to fool us into believing that everything urgently needs our attention right now. Being a true badass requires learning to go against that instinct and focus only on what is lasting, true, and helpful. This is a practice; embrace it and actively work on what needs to be let go.

#6 Take a YouTube Break (or Do Something Else Fun and Unproductive)

According to the research, and not just our personal opinions, cute or funny animal videos can be good for you! So, tell a friend a joke, take a living room dance break, or surf YouTube for things that make you laugh! Studies show that positive emotions have an adaptive ability to help us expand our thinking and problem-solving capabilities. We need to balance these positive emotions with sterner ones, such as drive and determination, so don’t go overboard. But- if you find yourself having a hard time getting going on a big project, you might want to start by taking 5 minutes to consciously do something more fun first.

#7 Prioritize Being Social (Even from a Distance.)

Human beings are hard-wired to thrive on social interaction. It is part of our biology and our psychology to need conversation and connection with other people. Unfortunately, during times of stress, many people instinctively decrease their social connection.

Sometimes, they do this because they mistakenly believe they don’t have time right now. But even a 5-minute phone chat with a friend can help us be more effective and make fewer time-consuming mistakes on a project. (see tip #6.)

Sometimes, people withdraw socially because they feel that others will judge them or not understand them or because they don’t have anyone to reach out and connect with right now. We encourage you to see these thoughts for what they really are: self-limiting beliefs that might not be entirely accurate. Many more people than you might think will welcome a genuine and vulnerable moment of reaching out and connecting if you do it in a respectful way. And if you don’t have anyone with whom you feel it is appropriate to share your concerns, therapy can be a great place to get the support you need at the moment and simultaneously build the self-confidence and social skills you need to increase your social network so that you are surrounded with supportive people.

After all, part of being a badass in life is having a circle of badass support people around you!

Don’t Just Think About These Tips: Put Them Into Action!

Each of these tools may seem too simple or silly to make much difference. But, if you keep doing them over time, and if you do as many of them as possible each day, you will discover that they DO work.

Even during crazy times, you can still get things done, make a positive impact, and be a joyful badass!

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